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Raquel rallies nervous Spain

Spain winger Raquel Peña is sure her team can put their stage fright behind them and revive their Group B campaign with a victory against Poland in Grindavik.

Nervous start
The Spanish suffered from first-night nerves during their 1-0 defeat by France on Wednesday, leaving Peña keen to make amends. "I am confident that we can go on from this and get some wins," she told uefa.com. "We were very nervous at the start of the France match and didn't deal with the situation as well as we might have. France took advantage of this and beat us."

Spanish spirit
However, the 18-year-old is taking heart from her side's improved second-half showing: the French goal came after a spell of Spanish pressure. "We went for it a bit more after half-time, trying to take the game to France and giving everything we had. We are a proper team with a great spirit between us," she added.

'Can do better'
Raquel promises that there is more to come, both from the squad and from the little No9 who plays her club football with UD Las Torres on Gran Canaria. "Personally, I could have done better," said the attacker. "I had a few chances and on another day I would have scored. Hopefully I'll get luckier next time. We are looking forward to the Poland game and we have to beat them."

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