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Women’s Futsal EURO qualifying draw

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Women’s Futsal EURO qualifying draw

The preliminary and main rounds lead to the finals in March 2022.


The second edition of the UEFA Women’s Futsal EURO has begun with the qualifying draw involving 24 entrants, including debutants Gibraltar and Bosnia & Herzegovina. The match dates were moved from 2020/21 to 2021/22 as a result of the spread of COVID-19 in Europe.

Spain won the first edition in 2019 in Portugal, who were runners-up ahead of bronze-medallists Russia and fellow semi-finalists Ukraine. The 2022 edition will also end with a four-team knockout final tournament in March of that year.

Preliminary round

Group A: Serbia, Lithuania (hosts), Slovakia, Northern Ireland

Group B: Netherlands, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova (hosts)

Group C: Kazakhstan, Belgium, Gibraltar (hosts)

  • The three group winners advance to the main round join the 13 teams given byes.

Main round

Group 1: Russia, Hungary, Belarus (hosts), winner preliminary round Group B

Group 2: Portugal, Croatia (hosts), Poland, Slovenia

Group 3: Ukraine (hosts), Finland, Czech Republic, winner preliminary round Group C

Group 4: Spain (holders), Italy, Sweden (hosts), winner preliminary round Group A

  • The four group winners will advance to the knockout finals in mid-February, with one of the nations appointed as hosts.

The calendar

Preliminary round: 4 to 9 May & 16 to 19 August 2021
Main round: 19 to 22 October 2021
Finals draw: tbc
Final tournament: 24/25 & 26/27 March 2022

How the draw worked

Preliminary round

  • The 13 nations with the highest ranking as per the UEFA Women’s Futsal National Teams Coefficient Rankings receive a bye.
  • The other 11 entrants will enter in the preliminary round.
  • The draw produced one group of three teams and two of four, played as one-venue mini-tournaments.
  • The teams were split into three seeding tiers according to their coefficient.
  • Lithuania, Moldova and Gibraltar were pre-selected as hosts and drawn from Pot 1, placed in Groups A and B according to their seeding tier (Gibraltar or Moldova would fill position 4 in Group A rather than 3 if drawn first).
  • Pot 2 consisted of the three remaining lowest ranked teams; they were placed in position 3 (or 4 if available) in Groups A to C, missing out the groups which already had a host assigned to that position.
  • Pot 3 consisted of the second tier of teams, with Armenia and Belgium placed to take position 2 in the groups in which Lithuania have not been drawn.
  • Pot 4 consisted of the teams to fill position 1.
  • The three group winners advance to the main round join the 13 teams given byes.

Pot 1 (hosts)
Lithuania (position 2)
Moldova (4 if Group A, 3 if Groups B or C)
Gibraltar (4 if Group A, 3 if Groups B or C)

Pot 2 (position 3, and 4 in Group A if available)
Northern Ireland
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pot 3 (position 2)

Pot 4 (position 1)

Main round

  • The 13 teams given byes and the three preliminary round winners were drawn into four groups of four teams, played as mini-tournaments.
  • Four teams were pre-selected as hosts and drawn from Pot 5, placed in groups according to their seeding tier.
  • Pot 6 consisted of Slovenia and the three preliminary round winners, to fill position 4 in each group.
  • Pots 7, 8 and 9 consisted of the teams to fill positions 3, 2 and 1 respectively, minus the hosts.
  • The four group winners will advance to the knockout finals, with one of the nations appointed as hosts.

Pot 5 (hosts)
Ukraine (position 1)
Croatia (2)
Sweden (3)
Belarus (3)

Pot 6 (position 4)
Preliminary round winners x 3

Pot 7 (position 3)
Czech Republic

Pot 8 (position 2)

Pot 9 (position 1)
Spain (holders)