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Team facts: Poland

Poland have never played in the final tournament
Poland have never played in the final tournament ©Domenic Aquilina


Tournament record
2017: group stage
did not qualify
2013: did not qualify
2011: did not qualify
2009: did not qualify
2007: did not qualify
2006: did not qualify
2004: play-offs
2002: play-offs
2000: play-offs
1998: did not qualify
1996: did not qualify
1994: quarter-finals
1992: quarter-finals
1990: did not qualify
1988: did not qualify
1986: quarter-finals
1984: quarter-finals
1982: quarter-finals
1980: did not qualify
1978: did not qualify

Biggest wins

Final tournament 
3-2: Poland v Belgium, 16/06/19
Group stage, Stadio Città del Tricolore, Reggio Emilia
0-1: Italy v Poland, 19/06/19
Group stage, Renato Dall'Ara, Bologna

7-0 twice, most recently v San Marino, 01/04/03
Qualifying group stage, GKS Nowiny, Nowiny

Heaviest defeats

Final tournament 
5-0: Spain v Poland, 22/06/19
Group stage, Renato Dall'Ara, Bologna

5-0 three times, most recently v England, 26/03/99
Qualifying group stage, The Dell, Southampton