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Reaction: Germany v Serbia

Serbia coach Mladen Dodić and scorer Filip Djuričić were satisfied enough with the 1-1 draw against a Germany side who "only entered this tournament in the second half".

2015 highlights: Germany 1-1 Serbia

Mladen Dodić, Serbia coach
I am satisfied with the final result, but more than that I am happy with how we played – we were strong defensively and dangerous going forward. That is a model that I want to see repeated in subsequent matches. Though I'm satisfied as we were playing the favourites this evening, I believe we'll be better in future.

We know how good Germany are, but we can say we missed chances to get an even better result. However, if someone offered us 1-1 before the match, we probably would have accepted it. After the match, after everything, I can say I'm a little disappointed. We were equal with Germany when 11 against 11; when we had one player more, Germany were very strong defensively and we didn't have many chances.

Filip Djuričić, Serbia midfielder
I think we can be satisfied with the fact that we've taken a point against an excellent team. They are without doubt one of the favourites to win this tournament. Maybe we could've done even better, but if anyone had offered us a point before the game I think that most of the players and the nation would take it. We have a good chance of reaching the semi-finals and qualifying for [the Olympic Games in] Rio.

We played with a man more [after Christian Günter's red card] and we should've been more aggressive. On the other hand, we used a lot of energy in the first half. It wasn't easy at all. We have to be pleased generally – maybe fix a thing or two – but all in all a point against Germany is a good result for Serbia. I think that in the next two games we can make our wishes come true.

Horst Hrubesch, Germany coach
The situation became a little clearer after the red card as that was advantage Serbia, even if we did have a chance to win the match right at the end. Compliments to the Serbian team – they were really strong coming at us in the first half. They were very compact and we didn't get control of second balls – we stood off them too much.

Germany coach Horst Hrubesch
Germany coach Horst Hrubesch©Getty Images

Germany actually entered this tournament in the second half – that was when we started at a proper pace and in the end we could have won the match. But another compliment to a dominant Serbia team, especially for keeping it tight at the end. Looking ahead to the next match against Denmark, we're going to have to start just like we started the second half tonight against Serbia.

Kevin Volland, Germany captain
We didn't win the match, but we didn't lose either. The first half didn't go to plan for us. In a tournament like this, you need to settle in first. We didn't know where we stood ahead of this game. We were better structured in the second half and had more control, but the next two matches will be hugely demanding for us.

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