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Mazuch still optimistic about Czech chances

Ondřej Mazuch told UEFA.com the Czech Republic received a football lesson in Wednesday's 2-0 loss to Spain yet the centre-back was still upbeat about his country's chances.

Mazuch still optimistic about Czech chances
Mazuch still optimistic about Czech chances ©uefa.com 1998-2011. All rights reserved.

Ondřej Mazuch told UEFA.com the Czech Republic were chasing Spanish shadows for long periods in Herning, but the centre-back said he was still optimistic his country could reach the semi-finals.

Mazuch was part of a Czech team second-best to an impressive Spain side who eased to the top of Group B courtesy of a 2-0 win in Viborg. After Adrián had put the finishing touch to a slick attack to open the scoring on 27 minutes, according to Mazuch the RC Deportivo La Coruña striker's second goal two minutes into the second half doused Czech ambitions of a second successive victory.

"At half-time the score was only 1-0, so if we'd scored, we would have maybe made it a little bit more exciting. Unfortunately, they scored at the beginning of the second half and I think it was over then," said the RSC Anderlecht defender. "After that, maybe we just broke down physically, because they kept us running. They had lots of possession and we were only moving and running, and from then on we had no chance."

Dominated territorially and starved of the ball, Jakub Dovalil's men were often left chasing the long shadows of their opponents in the central Jutland sun. However, with the game still in the balance seconds before the break, Tomáš Pekhart – the championship's leading scorer in qualifying – had a gilt-edged opportunity to level.

The big forward fired over the bar, though, and within 120 seconds of the restart the Czech Republic were two adrift. "They had two chances and they scored twice," said Mazuch. "Unfortunately, that's big teams for you. When they have two chances, they score twice, and that is what decides the match."

Defeat by Spain, however, has not decided the Czechs' fate. With England and Ukraine drawing 0-0 later in the day, a point from their match with the English in Viborg on Sunday could be enough for the Czechs to make the last four – all three points would guarantee the 2002 champions a place in the next round.

Despite his country having just suffered their first reverse in the competition since qualifying began two years ago, Mazuch said they could respond. "Before the match we said that the important and decisive match would probably be against England. We can do it against them," said the 22-year-old. "Unfortunately we lost today, and we have to prepare well now for England and hope we can win, get the three points and make it out of this group."

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