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Carey goal not enough for Ireland

Georgia 1-1 Republic of Ireland
Vakhtang Kvaratskelia cancelled out Graham Carey's opener, but a draw does neither side's Group 2 chances many favours.

Graham Carey opened the scoring in Tblisi
Graham Carey opened the scoring in Tblisi ©Getty Images

Vakhtang Kvaratskelia cancelled out Graham Carey's opener in Tbilisi, but a draw does neither Georgia nor the Republic of Ireland's UEFA European Under-21 Group 2 chances many favours.

Point-blank save
Irakli Klimiashvili should have put the hosts ahead after Jano Ananidze beat three defenders and delivered a handy cross, but his shot from close range just after the half-hour mark was blocked by Cian Hughton. Three minutes after the break, Donald Givens' side took the lead, with Cillian Sheridan setting Carey free to beat Roin Kvaskhvadze. Irish goalkeeper Shane Redmond later denied Gulverd Tomashvili's point-blank effort, but he could do nothing to stop Kvaratskelia from Tomashvili's cross nine minutes from time. Owen Garvan hit the bar for the visitors in added time, with a point leaving Ireland second from bottom of the section and a point adrift of their hosts.