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Romania assume pole position with Russia win

Romania 2-1 Russia
Romania are top of elite round Group 7 and well placed to progress to the finals following a stirring second-half comeback in Szombathely.

Evgeni Kirisov of Russia (left) competes with Claudiu Bumba of Romania
Evgeni Kirisov of Russia (left) competes with Claudiu Bumba of Romania ©Evgeny Mokrousov/Sportarchiv

Romania sit top of UEFA European Under-17 Championship elite round Group 7 following a stirring second-half comeback against Russia in Szombathely.

While Romania drew with Iceland on Thursday, Russia beat hosts Hungary. But today's result leaves Romania a point ahead of both Russia and Hungary and they will qualify with a win against the home side on Tuesday. Russia must beat Iceland and hope Romania do not win.

Serder Serderov gave Russia the lead 23 minutes into a tentative opening period, heading Roman Zobnin's cross firmly beyond Constantin Brănescu. Romania offered little threat before the break but drew level 17 minutes into the second half, Darius Buia scoring from the penalty spot after being felled by goalkeeper Artem Leonov.

Buia's fellow substitute Fabian Himcinschi completed the turnaround with eight minutes remaining, collecting a long pass before rounding Leonov and tucking in from eight metres. Russia threatened an equaliser but could find no way past Romania captain Brănescu.

"The two substitutions made a real difference – they changed the game," said Romania coach Adrian Văsâi. "The penalty was the important moment. It was nerve-racking at the end, when Russia were swarming forward. We didn't begin this tournament well, but now we now have high hopes. Hungary are a very good team; we'll have to wait and see."

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