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Little comfort for Fenerbahçe

AIK Solna 3-3 Fenerbahçe SKFenerbahçe fail to hold on to two-goal lead as Swedes claim draw.

AIK Solna 3-3 Fenerbahçe SK
AIK Solna and Fenerbahçe SK produced a lively 3-3 draw in their UEFA Cup first round first-leg tie in Stockholm.

Unwanted run continues
The result, however, continued the Turkish giants' unwanted run of not having won an away game in Europe since victory over Manchester United FC in the 1996/97 UEFA Champions League. Even more galling for the Istanbul side was the fact that they were 3-1 up at half-time, and seemingly in cruise control.

Ortega and Revivo take charge
Fenerbahçe made a lively start and on 15 minutes Ariel Ortega and Haim Revivo combined to open the scoring. Ortega made a searing run down the right flank before producing a pinpoint cross for Revivo to head home from close range.

AIK storm back
The Swedes hit back four minutes later as Krister Nordin produced a stunning overhead kick to leave Rüstu Reçber in the Fenerbahçe goal completely stranded. Fenerbahçe were back in front on 24 minutes. Ortega was once again the provider - on this occasion floating over a corner for Ghana midfield player Samuel Johnson to rise above a static defence to head into the centre of the goal.

Stevic wonder-strike
AIK seemed to have little answer to Fenerbahçe's slick passing and intelligent running off the ball and from another incisive move on 38 minutes they found themselves further behind. The quicksilver Ortega was hauled down as he once again jinxed towards goal and from 30 metres out Yugoslavian midfield player Miroslav Stevic hit a thunderous free-kick beyond Daniel Andersson.

AIK produce grandstand finale
Any thoughts that Fenerbahçe would stroll through the second period were soon dispelled as Reçber was called upon to claw away a Svante Samuelsson header, but on 62 minutes he was unable to get down sharply enough to stop the combative Andreas Andersson prodding the ball into the net to give the home side a lifeline. Then on 81 minutes substitute Mats Rubarth headed in after Stefan Ishizaki's curling free-kick had come back off the crossbar, to set up a grandstand finale.

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