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Berg blow for Blackburn

Blackburn Rovers FC will go into their UEFA Cup second round second leg against Celtic FC without Henning Berg.

Scan confirms injury 
The Norwegian international and former Manchester United FC player suffered an achilles injury in training ahead of last Thursday's match at Celtic Park. And tests today showed that the damage was more serious than first thought, condemning Berg to a spell on the sidelines.

First-leg loss 
Blackburn lost 1-0 against the Scottish title-holders, and seek to overturn that deficit on Thursday week at Ewood Park. They received a boost yesterday when Craig Short, who had replaced Berg in Glasgow, came through the Premiership draw against Aston Villa FC untroubled by a nagging calf injury.

Big Celtic victory
Berg, 33, had been expected to retire last summer but agreed a new one-year contract instead with the club he rejoined from Manchester United in September 2000. While Blackburn were being held by Villa, Celtic beat Aberdeen FC 7-0 in the Scottish Premier League.

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