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Puel pleased with lofty Lille

Group H reaction: LOSC Lille Métropole's Claude Puel was more than satisfied with success in Greece.

I am disappointed by this result. We expected Sevilla to defend and rely on counterattacks. And the game went well for us, we created a lot of chances, but we didn't win because of a disappointing defensive lapse. We can't afford mistakes like this. Zenit coach Vlastimil Petrzela

For me, the game had two different parts. In the first half we struggled to deal with their pace and they surprised us with their possession play and then the goal. Later we were able to sort our game out. At half-time, we talked about playing more as a team – we knew we were still in with a chance. We have to feel pleased with the way our players performed and the end result. I liked Zenit very much, they are a dynamic side from midfield through to attack and they play at full speed and in today's football, that is very attractive to watch. Sevilla coach Joaquín Caparrós

I am disappointed by the result, but really satisfied with my players' efforts tonight. The result does not do justice to them. We were great going forward but we paid for our lapses in concentration. We knew that Lille are a very disciplined and organised side, who wait patiently for the opposition to make a mistake. Our defensive errors were the only dark cloud. But in attack, our display was probably our best so far this season. Nevertheless, football is about finding the right balance. AEK coach Fernando Santos

I am very satisfied. We wanted at least a point and now we go back to France with three. They are more than welcome, even though we had to fight hard and survive a few scares in order to secure them. We played against a team with talented forwards. We could have scored more goals on the break in the first half. But then we were lucky not to concede more in the second half. Our win is a mixture of effort and luck. Lille coach Claude Puel

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