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Benítez pleased with self-assured Napoli

Rafael Benítez says SSC Napoli "finally played the way" he wanted while Marek Hamšík drew praise from both coaches before being applauded off by fans of his former club.

Marek Hamšík celebrates after making it 1-0
Marek Hamšík celebrates after making it 1-0 ©AFP/Getty Images

Rafael Benítez pleased with team's performance in Bratislava 
Slovak international Marek Hamšík feels proud after convincing victory
Hamšík draws praise from both coaches for showing his class
Slovan goalkeeper Dušan Perniš apologises to team-mates for first goal 
Next games: Slovan Bratislava v Sparta Praha, Young Boys v Napoli (23 October)

Rafael Benítez, SSC Napoli coach
I am happy we didn't concede, we have finally played the way I wanted. My players looked calm and self-assured on the pitch. We stuck to the plan. Marek Hamšík showed his class today in front of his fans in Slovakia. We scored two goals from aerial balls into the box. We have players that are strong on the ball and also able to win headers.

We have shown in the last two games that, if we perform like this, we stand a chance of achieving good results this season. These last two wins will give us confidence. Slovan showed they are strong in defence but at the same time they have skilful players up front. [Marko] Milinković showed his strengths in the second half after coming on; I would also mention [Juraj] Halenár and [Richard] Lásik in the middle. Our players gained confidence again and these wins will motivate us to work even harder.

Marek Hamšík, SSC Napoli midfielder
I am so glad we won and I scored. I received a great ball from [Kalidou] Koulibaly behind the defence and I made it. It was enough for me to outjump the goalkeeper. Slovan defended well, all ten men tried to destroy our combinations and it was hard for us to find space. But after the first goal it got better. After the second scored by [Gonzalo] Higuaín, we were in the clear. It was a nice feeling when people applauded me as I was substituted.

Dušan Perniš, Slovan Bratislava goalkeeper
We delivered what we promised the fans. We played with our hearts and we showed emotion and fighting spirit. I don't know if anybody thought we would win but we did everything to get a result. The first goal was my fault – I went for the ball unnecessarily. I feel so sorry for my team-mates. And the second goal? Higuaín proved how good a player he is, we know why he played for Real Madrid.

František Straka, Slovan Bratislava coach
I think there were positive moments in the game, we showed our potential. Our plan was not to concede in the first half. We managed to survive Napoli's dangerous moments in the first half then, however, we conceded after our defensive error.

'It was enough for me to outjump the keeper'
'It was enough for me to outjump the keeper'©AFP/Getty Images

The second half was better from our side after Marko Milinković came on. We were able to keep the ball. It is a pity Milinković missed two good chances then we left Higuaín unmarked in the box and a team like Napoli punish such defensive errors. Napoli are not afraid to play one on one, they are constructive even under pressure. The quality of their individuals prevailed under pressure.

Marek Hamšík is difficult to stop. He moves well, creates opportunities for his team-mates. We are disappointed. The next match with Sparta will be crucial for us to stand any chance of targeting the top two spots in the group and to break the losing streak we find ourselves in.

Erik Čikoš, Slovan Bratislava defender
It is such a pity – today we had a chance to achieve something if we had scored the first or had some luck. We were especially prepared for Marek Hamšík as we know very well how dangerous he is. We played better compared with the previous game but it was still not enough to get a point. Napoli proved they have quality in their team and much more experience.

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