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Refaelov urges Club Brugge to 'keep fighting'

Club Brugge KV forward Lior Refaelov declared himself "happy with my hat-trick as well as the win" against an FC København side magnanimous even after a 4-0 defeat.

Refaelov urges Club Brugge to 'keep fighting'
Refaelov urges Club Brugge to 'keep fighting' ©UEFA.com

Lior Refaelov scores a hat-trick inside 36 minutes as Club Brugge win 4-0
Club Brugge forward Tom De Sutter surprised by margin of victory
FCK midfielder Rúrik Gíslason rues his team's defensive lapses
Next games: HJK v København, Torino v Club Brugge (27 November)

Lior Refaelov, Club Brugge forward
I'm really happy with my hat-trick as well as the win; also happy that Torino lost so we are now first in the group. We will have to keep fighting for top spot. The referee told me at the break that he would give me the ball after the game so I could keep it as a memory of my hat-trick.

Tom De Sutter, Club Brugge forward
They are a good team and we never expected this – it was a good effort by us. In the first half, we had four chances and scored three goals, so we were really efficient. The second half was also good, even though we didn't need as much by that stage. All in all, we did a great job. It was a more open game today – we had plenty of counterattacks and opportunities.

It's fantastic that every week it's a new guy scoring goals for us, that's great. A hat-trick from Lior [Refaelov] is great for him. It's obviously going well for us now but there is nothing guaranteed yet – we will put in a good effort against Helsinki at home in the next round.

Rúrik Gíslason, FCK midfielder
It was no fun at all today. It's difficult to describe the match right now, because we are very disappointed about the result. In the first have we went 3-0 down and it became extremely difficult. They were solid on the pitch and scored some fantastic goals, but we could also have done better. Defensively there are many ways we can improve. I agree they got their goals too easily.

Maybe we were a bit overenthusiastic in our pressure today, but I will have to watch the match on video in order to comment on what went wrong. I'm glad we have a league game in two days because that's an opportunity to rise again and we need that.

Ståle Solbakken, FCK coach
It's difficult to analyse the game. The match was decided already after their second or third goal and then it was a mental thing to get through the game. They scored some good goals but it was too easy for them to break through our defence. There isn't a lot to say to the players afterwards.

Sometimes we just have to say the opponents were better than us. They have so much quality in their finishing – it's very rare an opponent has six shots and scores four. It wasn't luck, though, because they have a lot of skill in that part of their game. We gave what we could – it was not a matter of players hiding or not being committed to the task – but it wasn't enough.