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Efficient Aalborg outdo Dynamo Kyiv

Aalborg BK 3-0 FC Dynamo Kyiv
The hosts rode out a first-half storm but eventually recorded a comfortable win to join the visitors at the top of Group J.

Aalborg players mob Nicolaj Thomsen after he notched their second
Aalborg players mob Nicolaj Thomsen after he notched their second ©AFP/Getty Images

Aalborg earn second successive home win
Visitors dominate first half but fail to find net, Andriy Yarmolenko striking post
Thomas Enevoldsen gets AaB opener before Nicolaj Thomsen double
Aalborg join Dynamo and Steaua at top of Group J
Next game: Dynamo Kyiv v Aalborg (6 November)

Aalborg BK made it successive home wins in Group J as they survived a first-half storm from FC Dynamo Kyiv to secure the three points and join the visitors at the top of the section.

The Ukrainian club appeared by far the stronger of the two outfits in the opening exchanges and it was remarkable that they did not register before the break. Against the odds it was the home side's Thomas Enevoldsen who snatched the opener 11 minutes in, making the most of a weak headed clearance to place a controlled volley into the corner from the edge of the area.

The away team continued to dominate yet insisted on passing up their chances, exemplified by captain Andriy Yarmolenko who struck the post when sent clear. They were punished again six minutes before the interval as Andreas Bruhn selflessly crossed when well positioned to shoot himself, and Nicolaj Thomsen gratefully accepted the gift from two metres.

Frustrated, Dynamo refused to let up but as their efforts failed to get them back into contention AaB grew into the dominant force. Nicklas Helenius almost made it three on 69 minutes but he was denied by wayward finishing. The Danes did wrap things up in stoppage time after a jinking run from Søren Frederiksen down the right had the Kyiv defence chasing shadows, and the substitute drilled a flat cross to the waiting Thomsen who snapped up a second and sealed the win.

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