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Bleidelis bound for GAK

Latvian international midfielder Imants Bleidelis has signed for Austrian UEFA Cup contenders Grazer AK.

Austria move
The 29-year-old left Danish side Viborg FF at the end of 2004 after deciding not to sign a new contract, and despite offers to return home from Skonto FC and FC Venta, Bleidelis has opted to join the club fourth in the Austrian Bundesliga. A product of the Skonto youth academy who has also played in England with Southampton FC, Bleidelis has been capped 85 times.

'Ready to move'
Bleidelis, who has agreed a two-year deal, said: "GAK have been looking for a right-sided midfielder for a long time. The Austrians wanted to buy me earlier, but Viborg wanted a large fee. After my contract with the Danes expired, I was ready to move here." He will be eligible for the UEFA Cup, where GAK meet Middlesbrough FC over two legs in the last 32 on 17 and 24 February.

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