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Preliminary round draw

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UEFA Europa League preliminary round draw

A new preliminary round has been introduced for season 2018/19.

The result of the 2018/19 UEFA Europa League preliminary round draw
The result of the 2018/19 UEFA Europa League preliminary round draw ©UEFA via Getty Images

Preliminary round draw

Europa (GIB) v Prishtina (KOS)
Sant Julià (AND) v Gżira (MLT) – first leg, 26 June
Engordany (AND) v Folgore (SMR)
B36 Tórshavn (FRO) v St Joseph's (GIB)
Birkirkara (MLT) v KÍ Klaksvík (FRO)
Tre Fiori (SMR) v Bala Town (WAL)
Cefn Druids (WAL) v Trakai (LTU)

First legs on 28 June unless otherwise stated; second legs on 5 July

Draw procedure

The teams were ranked according to their coefficient and split into two pots of seven: seeded and unseeded.

Seeded: Birkirkara (MLT), Trakai (LTU), Europa (GIB), B36 Tórshavn (FRO), Folgore (SMR), Bala Town (WAL), Gżira (MLT)
Unseeded: Cefn Druids (WAL), Sant Julià (AND), KÍ Klaksvík (FRO), St Joseph's (GIB), Engordany (AND), Prishtina (KOS), Tre Fiori (SMR)

  • A ball was taken from each pot and put into a large empty bowl in the middle, where they were shuffled. The first drawn club is at home in the first leg.

Clubs' coefficients are now determined EITHER by the sum of all points won in the previous five years OR by the association coefficient over the same period – WHICHEVER IS THE HIGHER (under a new system introduced for 2018/19 onwards).