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What time does the UEFA Europa Conference League final kick off?

The 2022/23 UEFA Europa Conference League between Fiorentina and West Ham final takes place in Prague on 7 June 2023, with kick-off scheduled for 21:00 CET.

The UEFA Europa Conference League trophy
The UEFA Europa Conference League trophy UEFA via Getty Images

According to article 24.05 of the UEFA Europa Conference League regulations, the UEFA Europa Conference League semi-finals and the final will kick off at the same time.

• The semi-finals and final kick off at 21.00 CET. Exceptions to this rule can be made by the UEFA administration.

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The 2023 UEFA Europa Conference League final in Prague will thus kick off at 21:00 CET (22:00 local time).

2022/23 UEFA Europa Conference League final: all you need to know

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