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Barzagli's EURO participation in doubt

Italy defender Andrea Barzagli will miss the group stage after being sidelined for 20 days with a calf strain; a decision on whether he will stay with the squad will be taken this week.

Italy defender Andrea Barzagli suffered the injury against Russia on Friday
Italy defender Andrea Barzagli suffered the injury against Russia on Friday ©Getty Images

Italy defender Andrea Barzagli is facing a battle to play any part at UEFA EURO 2012 after picking up a calf strain.
The 31-year-old sustained the injury in Friday's 3-0 friendly loss to Russia. Azzurri team doctor Enrico Castellacci said Barzagli, capped 29 times by his country, would be unavailable for up to 20 days.

The centre-back, who won the Scudetto with Juventus this season, is therefore likely to miss the entire group stage. His condition will be monitored until Friday, when – subject to approval from UEFA – Italy coach Cesare Prandelli will make a decision on whether to replace him or not.

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