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UEFA, INTERPOL to tackle football-related crimes

UEFA President Michel Platini has met INTERPOL secretary general Ronald K Noble, with the two bodies agreeing to further reinforce their working relationship and exchange of information.

UEFA President Michel Platini meets INTERPOL secretary general Ronald K Noble in Nyon
UEFA President Michel Platini meets INTERPOL secretary general Ronald K Noble in Nyon ©UEFA.com

UEFA President Michel Platini and INTERPOL secretary general Ronald K Noble identified a number of areas for cooperation between the two organisations in tackling football-related crimes, including match-fixing and violence in stadiums, during a meeting at UEFA headquarters today.

Mr Platini and Mr Noble agreed to work on a memorandum of understanding to be signed in the near future that will further reinforce the working relationship and exchange of information between the organisations.

"For UEFA, the ongoing fight against match-fixing is one of the most important priorities in my second term as UEFA President," said Mr Platini. "By agreeing to sign a memorandum of understanding with INTERPOL, and by working closely with their network and through our betting fraud detection system, the net is now tightening on those involved in match-fixing and illegal sports betting."

INTERPOL secretary general Ronald K Noble again underlined the world police body's commitment to helping stamp out all forms of criminality affecting football, in particular match-fixing.

"Clearly match-fixing is a worldwide issue," he said. "INTERPOL is ideally placed to help UEFA, FIFA and all footballing professionals tackle the issue effectively at a global level, but at the same time it is important not to lose sight of other types of crime which can affect the sport.

"Following today's meeting with the UEFA President, Michel Platini, I can confidently say that the collaboration that already exists between UEFA and INTERPOL in tackling the issue of match-fixing will become even closer," Mr Noble added.

With INTERPOL already set to provide support ahead of and during the UEFA EURO 2012 final tournament, through the deployment of major events support teams (IMESTs) to the two host countries, Poland and Ukraine, the framework is already in place for closer liaison in combating all forms of criminality to better protect the sport, as well as its players, officials and fans.

As part of the support being given by INTERPOL during UEFA EURO 2012, the IMESTs deployed to Poland and Ukraine will liaise with all 190 member countries to facilitate the real-time exchange of messages and key police intelligence, including fingerprints, wanted persons notices and data relating to stolen and lost travel documents and stolen motor vehicles.

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