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Polish Friends of EURO list finalised

The Polish Friends of UEFA EURO 2012 roster is complete after the announcement of 11 winners of a contest involving a UEFA European Championship history quiz.

The 11 contest winners are presented with diplomas
The 11 contest winners are presented with diplomas ©Cyfrasport

The Polish Friends of UEFA EURO 2012 roster has been completed after the announcement of 11 competition winners.

The contest was determined by the combination of a UEFA European Championship history quiz and a creative challenge, detailing what UEFA values such as Respect really mean. The entries were assessed by a six-person panel and the results were announced this morning on breakfast television programme Kawa czy Herbata (Tea or Coffee).

"We have finished the innovative programme for promoting UEFA EURO 2012, which was launched on 4 September last year," said Polish tournament director Adam Olkowicz. "Congratulations to the winners of this contest and to all other Friends of EURO. However, I am still convinced that in Poland we actually have millions of Friends of EURO."

The 11 competition winners take the number of Polish Friends of EURO to 100, joining victors of a children's drawing contest, a creativity challenge and about 50 well-known public figures. The recruitment of Ukrainian Friends of EURO is ongoing.

Full list of Friends of EURO

Polish Friends of EURO profiles

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