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Local organisation in the host countries ©UEFA.com

UEFA is responsible for the organisation of the final tournament on behalf of its 53 member associations. Its main area of activities include the running of the 31 matches, ticketing, hospitality packages, host broadcasting, accreditation and among others, the sales of commercial and television rights.

The Polish and the Ukrainian Football Associations have each created a local organising committee (LOC). Their main tasks are related to the implementation of services in a wide range of domains, such as accommodation, ceremonies, event transport, host city management, sustainability programmes, team base camps, technical services and volunteers among others, in accordance with UEFA guidelines. Safety and security remains a responsibility of the host associations as stipulated in the UEFA EURO 2012 staging agreement.

Both host countries, Poland and Ukraine, are working in close cooperation with the host cities and are responsible for the development of the necessary infrastructures, public services and security and for hosting visitors in a festive and safe way.