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Friends of EURO draws youthful support

A drawing competition is under way in Poland and Ukraine as children aged between five and 16 are invited to join an exclusive group of celebrities in the Friends of EURO team.

Celebrities in Poland and Ukraine are eager to be Friends of UEFA EURO 2012
Celebrities in Poland and Ukraine are eager to be Friends of UEFA EURO 2012 ©UEFA.com

Anticipation is rising in Poland and Ukraine with today marking the start of a drawing competition for youngsters in the host countries for the prize of joining an exclusive group of celebrities as Friends of UEFA EURO 2012.

Children are being invited to enter a drawing contest on the theme of their nation staging UEFA EURO 2012 and what it means to them. A five-member jury composed of well-known compatriots will select the five best drawings in each age group (5-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14-16) after the deadline on 15 October, and the winners will become part of the Friends of EURO team.

They will be in good company. Olympians Serhiy Bubka and Valeriy Borzov, singer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, publisher Ivan Malkovych, and boxers Vitaliy Klychko and Volodymir Klychko have all signed up in Ukraine. Former Polish president Lech Wałęsa, singer Maryla Rodowicz, Olympian Robert Korzienowski and ex-national team goalkeeper Józef Młynarczyk are the first four members of the Polish team. In total, each country will nominate up to 100 friends apiece.

The competition winners will receive an assortment of EURO-branded merchandise, ranging from caps and polo shirts to rare collector's items such as Friends of UEFA EURO 2012 pennants and pins produced in limited and numbered editions. A special prize will go to the overall winner in each category.

For full contest regulations please click here.

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