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Kirkland ruled out for England

Liverpool FC goalkeeper Chris Kirkland will not be fit to represent England at UEFA EURO 2004™.

Not enough time
The 22-year-old Kirkland was hurt in training last month but there had been hope that he would be back before the end of the season. However, Liverpool manager Gérard Houllier confirmed today that he would not recover in time, either for his club or country.

England hope dashed
"Chris won't play again this season. He won't be ready in time," said Houllier. "I don't think he will be fit for the European Championships," Houllier said today. "He is very unlucky because I am sure he would have gone with the England squad."

Likely candidate
Kirkland had been tipped to join David James and Paul Robinson as one of the three goalkeepers in Sven-Göran Eriksson's squad for Portugal. In his absence, Leicester City FC's Ian Walker appears to be the most likely candidate for the third goalkeeper's position.

Dudek chance
Kirkland has been plagued by injury at Liverpool, missing the start of this season with a groin problem and the last three months of last season with damaged knee ligaments. The Merseysiders will continue with Polish international Jerzy Dudek in goal as they push for the fourth-placed Premiership finish that would bring UEFA Champions League football next season.

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