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Kahn reveals Latvian heritage

Oliver Kahn has revealed that he could have divided loyalties ahead of Germany's game against Latvia on Saturday.

Latvian legacy
The Germany captain has disclosed his Latvian origins. His grandparents hail from the Baltic state and his father was born there before moving to Germany after the second world war. Rumours of the goalkeeper's Latvian heritage had been circulating but were dismissed until Kahn finally admitted it was true.

Divided dad
However, despite his Latvian roots, the keeper said the fixture is not special to him. "That would be taking things a bit far. I have no memories of the country," explained the 35-year-old, who has 70 international caps. "Though I'm sure my father feels differently. He will be at the match and I'm sure it will be a special game for him."

Völler unfazed
When Rudi Völler was confronted with the news that he was potentially harbouring a spy in the camp, the Germany coach joked: "To be honest, I had no idea that Oliver was Latvian, though it really doesn't surprise me."

Pre-match tips
But his Latvian counterpart Aleksandrs Starkovs is hoping for some pre-match tips from Kahn. "That makes him a quarter Latvian," Starkovs teased. "Maybe I will give him a call to ask about the Germany lineup."

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