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Polish victory is in vain

Hungary 1-2 Poland Two Andrzej Niedzielan goals give Poland three points - but not a play-off place.

Off to a flier
The 23-year-old Groclin Grodzisk Wielkopolski striker got the visitors off to a flier, latching on to a through-ball in the tenth minute and slotting crisply past Gábor Kiraly. Niedzielan struck again in the 63rd minute, rounding Kiraly and doubling his tally, despite Hungary's appeals for offside.

Entertaining match
In between, Hungary created several chances in an entertaining match, drawing level early in the second half through in-form VfB Stuttgart striker Imre Szabics, who finished well after good work from Ákos Füzi. Both sides went into the game with a chance of winning a play-off berth - but only if Latvia lost so when the news came through of their shock 1-0 win in Sweden the Poles were downcast.

Swedes win group
Poland finished third in the group with 13 points, three behind Latvia. Sweden won the group with 17 points and Hungary ended fourth on eleven.

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