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Message from Syria inspires Czech captain Rosický

Encouragement from a well-wisher in a refugee camp in Syria helped persuade Czech Republic captain Tomáš Rosický to give his all to play at UEFA EURO 2016.

Tomáš Rosický says goodbye to Arsenal fans at the end of the season
Tomáš Rosický says goodbye to Arsenal fans at the end of the season ©Getty Images

Finally injury free, Czech Republic captain Tomáš Rosický is determined to make the most of UEFA EURO 2016, with a message of encouragement from a Syrian refugee camp inspiring the 35-year-old.

Having not played for his country since June 2015 due to a run of injuries, he might have despaired after being sidelined again at Arsenal in January. "Right after the injury I knew that I did not want to end my career like this," he told reporters at the Czech training camp in Prague. "I started to get messages, not only from my team-mates, but from people from all around the world saying that my story is a great inspiration for the others.

EURO star: Petr Čech

"I got a message from a boy in a camp in Syria that one of the remaining hopes he has is wanting to see me playing again," he added. "That touched me. I saw the tremendous importance football has to people's lives. I was moved and it really influenced me and inspired me not to give up. This was one of the impulses for me to carry on and not say goodbye to my career while sitting on the bench."

Rosický has been unable to play for his country for almost a year, and is out of contract following his release by Arsenal, but is excited at the prospect of meeting Spain, Croatia and Turkey in Group D. "I am glad we are in a difficult group," he said. "I was probably the only one who was disappointed that it wasn't even harder. We play better football against strong sides when we are not favourites. At a EURO, you have to play against the best teams. For many of us, it will be the pinnacle of our careers."