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Social responsibility & sustainability

Reporting is a key part of any sustainability strategy and UEFA will use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for its EURO 2016 sustainability reporting. The key performance indicators (KPIs) for EURO 2016 will be shared in a post-event report, which will also analyse all action taken, successes achieved and lessons learned.

Moreover, UEFA and EURO 2016 SAS have achieved ISO 20121 certification for EURO 2016 operations. ISO 20121 is a framework for implementing sustainability throughout event management operations. It provides a way of working that makes sure sustainability is taken into account at every step of the planning and implementation process.

UEFA's strategy puts great emphasis on ensuring that EURO 2016 leaves a positive legacy for the host cities, the stadiums, French football and UEFA. The expertise gained at EURO 2016 in the field of social responsibility and sustainability will foster similar approaches for other UEFA competitions and within the UEFA member associations, spreading the positive effects further and wider.