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Prime Minister Valls positive about EURO 2016

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has given a positive report regarding preparations for UEFA EURO 2016, which he expects to be an "exceptional tournament".

Prime Minister Manuel Valls was at the Stade de France on Thursday
Prime Minister Manuel Valls was at the Stade de France on Thursday ©AFP/Getty Images

"We want French people to feel proud of their country," said Prime Minister Manuel Valls as he gave a positive report on France's preparations for staging UEFA EURO 2016.

After a meeting with several ministers to evaluate the progress of preparations in the ten host cities, Mr Valls attended France's friendly encounter with Spain at the Stade de France on Thursday. "Things are going smoothly regarding the ten cities and the ten stadiums which will welcome this exceptional tournament," he said. "We are the host country, so we spoke about security, travel, accommodation."

Mr Valls is excited about what UEFA EURO 2016 will mean for France, and said: "We want, for the first time, to really make this a popular event, for young people and for everyone we will welcome. We want French people to feel proud to host such an event, proud of their national team, proud of UEFA and all those who have helped set up this EURO here: the French FA, the government, the host cities. We will be ready for EURO."

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