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Trabzonspor's Čelůstka living the dream

Trabzonspor AŞ's Ondřej Čelůstka told UEFA.com he was living the dream after his winner at FC Internazionale Milano, who "must work hard to improve" according to Esteban Cambiasso.

Trabzonspor celebrate victory in Milan
Trabzonspor celebrate victory in Milan ©Getty Images

Trabzonspor AŞ's Ondřej Čelůstka described the experience of scoring the only goal of their UEFA Champions League Group B win at FC Internazionale Milano as being "like a dream" as the former US Città di Palermo right-back dedicated his strike to his uncle. Esteban Cambiasso insisted Inter were improving despite having started the season with three defeats from as many matches.

Ondřej Čelůstka, Trabzonspor defender
I am very happy that we won this evening, but to score was like a dream for me, I dedicated the goal to my uncle because it is his birthday tomorrow. It was a very special game for me because I played for Palermo before so it was great to come back to Italy and score the winner.

Gustavo Colman, Trabzonspor midfielder
I'm very happy with the way the first game went, for us this is something new. It was the first game in the Champions League so it was very a big game for the club so we are extremely happy to start with three points. I think we played well, Inter had a few good chances – Diego Milito had one just before we scored – but we took our chance and we won. We have achieved something important, something historic for the club. We still have a long way to go before we can start thinking about qualifying from the group but it was still a good start.

Esteban Cambiasso, Inter midfielder
We are calm. I don't mean that we are passive and we couldn't care less, but we are calm about the defeat, and we must keep working hard to improve, just as you should be calm and work hard when you go on a six-match winning streak. Sometimes you have to go through difficult times and I think the side is growing. We did everything to try and win and it didn't work out, so we have to look forward now.

The defeat had nothing to do with the formation. It's never that simple. Whether a formation is right or not can change according to how the opposition set themselves up. They may attack with two strikers or three, which changes the way you must play, but the point is you should attack and defend as a unit.

Looking at the bare facts it's easy to say it's a third defeat in a row, but compared to the other matches this was very different. Compared to Sunday, I think Inter have improved massively. Tonight we missed clear-cut chances while they scored from their only chance, whereas on Sunday, Palermo might have scored six or seven against us.

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