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Kramer living European dream with Gladbach

Enthused by facing Man. City in the group stage, midfielder Christoph Kramer is backing his Gladbach team-mates to fulfil their potential and "achieve something extraordinary".

Gladbach coach André Schubert with Christoph Kramer
Gladbach coach André Schubert with Christoph Kramer ©AFP/Getty Images

Coming up against Barcelona and Manchester City in the UEFA Champions League has been an unalloyed thrill for Mönchengladbach defensive midfielder Christoph Kramer, but the 25-year-old is still hoping to deny one of those European titans a place in the round of 16.

You have played against Barcelona and Manchester City this season. What was that like?

Christoph Kramer: Well, that's what you do it all for. You work hard all year to be able to get into the Champions League and compete with the best. That's why I like being in such a strong group. We want to compete with the best and give everything we have. That's also how you improve yourself.

These are just great nights for us. If you're competing with the best, you automatically improve. You always adapt to the level you're playing at. When you play Barcelona, you get less of the ball and you have to rely on your German qualities to even stand a chance. But that's why it's such an exciting challenge to try and handle the situation and stand up to those powerful teams.

It's definitely a great motivation. Ever since you were a child you've dreamed of playing against great opponents in great stadiums, and there you are up against Neymar, Suárez and Messi – it's really special. And of course when the anthem starts, you feel really happy.

How enjoyable is it to play for this Borussia team at the moment?

Kramer: It's a lot of fun. Our squad is quite well-balanced, and we don't just get along on the pitch. We do a lot of stuff together – we're like friends, not just colleagues, the way it usually is in football. It's like you're pursuing your hobby, and I really love coming in every day, even though it's tough at the moment because of all the weeks with midweek matches.

Highlights: Celtic 0-2 Mönchengladbach

Beating Celtic on matchday three has strengthened Gladbach's chances of finishing in the top two; how did that feel?

Kramer: Winning at Celtic Park gives you a real adrenaline boost. And knowing it's vital for the group just makes the whole evening great. We really want to get through and it would be a shame if we didn't. It's a big job, but anything's possible. And especially after that victory we have the confidence to say we would like to come second.

Mönchengladbach fans have a great reputation too; how much support do they give the team?

Kramer: We don't have fairweather fans – the vast majority of our fans know their football and know what we can and cannot do, and they know where we're coming from, so it's definitely a very special atmosphere. And when you step onto the pitch at Borussia-Park it's unique in the Bundesliga. The atmosphere is breathtaking, the chants are amazing, it's just perfect.

I don't want to be the kind of player who always changes teams. I feel very good here, I'm settled and I'm happy to be playing football here. There is a lot of potential here – a lot of people dream about winning something, whether it's the German Cup or achieving something in the Champions League, like a quarter-final, or doing well in the league.

Those are the targets we've set, and it's our ambition to achieve them, but you must never forget where you've come from. We know it will be difficult, but we'll do everything in our power to achieve something extraordinary.