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Champions League stars answer YOUR questions: #AskMOTM

How would you like one of your questions to be answered by one of the stars of the UEFA Champions League. Follow @ChampionsLeague this season and you might be in luck!

Look out for #AskMOTM on @ChampionsLeague every matchnight
Look out for #AskMOTM on @ChampionsLeague every matchnight ©UEFA.com

Have you ever fancied interviewing football's biggest names? Here's your chance! We are offering followers of @ChampionsLeague the opportunity to have their questions answered by some of the stars of this season's competition.

Towards the end of every UEFA Champions League matchnight, @ChampionsLeague is inviting followers to suggest what they want our reporter at the game to ask one of the evening's key players.

So why not get involved – keep your eyes fixed on @ChampionsLeague and look out for #AskMOTM and you might just get your name up in lights!

@ALessGoodIwobi was our lucky winner on Tuesday, with his question put to Islam Slimani, Leicester City's match winner against Porto. Here's his answer!