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Pierluigi Collina explains key laws

UEFA's chief refereeing officer Pierluigi Collina has explained changes to Law 11 and clarified the rule on handball ahead of the 2015/16 season in two videos.

Pierluigi Collina on Law 11

Along with new directives encouraging players and coaches' conduct towards match officials, UEFA has worked with leading officials to outline changes to Law 11 of the Game regarding offside and clarified handball situations.

"We certainly recommended the referees to be very careful in dealing with dissent, with mobbing of the referees and overreaction coming from the benches," said UEFA's chief refereeing officer Pierluigi Collina. "IFAB released a clarification about Law 11 and of course we clarified that with our referees, using several examples of how offside has changed."

You can hear more from Collina and see his explanations of offside and handball situations by clicking on the videos.

Collina on handball

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