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Ancelotti: Valencia strike stirred PSG

Digesting Paris Saint-Germain FC's progress, Carlo Ancelotti said the goal his side shipped in the 1-1 draw with Valencia CF "woke us up", while the visitors left with heads held high.

Ancelotti: Valencia strike stirred PSG
Ancelotti: Valencia strike stirred PSG ©UEFA.com

Carlo Ancelotti, PSG coach
It was very hard, a very difficult game, but we knew Valencia came here to give a performance. In the first half we weren't so good, not at our best, but in the second half, after we'd conceded, we were better. It's a very important result for the club because after 18 years, reaching the quarter-finals is a big thing.

The goal we conceded woke us up. We had the first half too much under control and the second was better. It's very difficult to win the Champions League. It's not our aim, our aim is to do our best. At the start of the Champions League everyone said we didn't know what we are going to do. We've done really well – we won our group, got to the last 16 and now we're in the quarter-finals.

Ernesto Valverde, Valencia coach
We came here with a hope of qualifying, we knew it would be difficult because they're a good team – but it wasn't possible. We hoped to score and complicate things for them, and though we did so in the second half, it was a pity we couldn't keep our lead for longer because we could have caused them more problems. At least we kept the tie alive until the end.

We got close to their area [on several occasions] and had many corners, but we lacked an end product in the final third and fatigue may have cost us in the last few minutes. In the first half we were very conscious of the need to stop their counterattacks because in the first leg those caused us a lot of damage. In the dressing room there is sadness, we are a little sad, but my team has shown its true colours. We leave with our heads held high.

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