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Klopp revels in narrow Dortmund victory

Jürgen Klopp described Borussia Dortmund's 1-0 Group D defeat of AFC Ajax as an "unbelievable match", while Frank de Boer spoke of his disappointment at conceding late on.

Klopp revels in narrow Dortmund victory
Klopp revels in narrow Dortmund victory ©UEFA.com

Jürgen Klopp, Dortmund coach
It was an unbelievable match. It was very intense, because our opponents have so much talent in their team. Whenever there was space, Ajax became dangerous. We defended well and finally scored in the end. I always believed we would do it, even though we had missed a couple of earlier opportunities. Robert [Lewandowski] then did a fantastic job.

Our development has been going on for quite a while, we are constantly evolving. Today there were a couple of things which we can do a lot better, but we are sticking to our principles and today our plan was to be very lively.

Frank de Boer, Ajax coach
We had most of the possession. Of course they were dangerous at certain times, but so were we. We had the chances to score one, two or even three goals. I said before the match we had to play according to our style and that is what we did. Therefore it is especially disappointing that we gave it away three minutes from time. We can be proud of the way we played, but we failed to take the lead. Against this type of team you can't afford to do that because you are then presented with the bill at the end.

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