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United's Hernández sidelined for Basel decider

Manchester United FC will be without Javier Hernández for their deciding UEFA Champions League Group C match against FC Basel 1893 after the striker suffered an ankle injury.

United's Javier Hernández is carried from the Villa Park pitch on a stretcher
United's Javier Hernández is carried from the Villa Park pitch on a stretcher ©Getty Images

Manchester United FC have lost Javier Hernández for Wednesday's decisive UEFA Champions League trip to FC Basel 1893 after the Mexico striker suffered ankle ligament damage.

The 23-year-old sustained the injury early in the 1-0 Premier League win at Aston Villa FC on Saturday and after the match manager Sir Alex Ferguson said: "I think it is torn ligaments in the ankle and he'll be out for four weeks. We are having a bad time with injuries at the moment but that is why we have a strong squad."

Sir Alex is already without Hernández's fellow forward Michael Owen, Tom Cleverley, Anderson and twins Fabio and Rafael, but is hopeful that Dimitar Berbatov can recover from an ankle problem and on Saturday welcomed Daniel Welbeck back from his own recent injury. United require a point at Basel to pip the Swiss champions to the round of 16.

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