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Deco believes Barça will come good

In his latest uefa.com diary entry, Deco looks back on an "unforgettable night" at Old Trafford and forward to a nail-biting semi-final tie with Manchester United FC.

Deco hopes to feature against United
Deco hopes to feature against United ©Getty Images

Deco's diary

The time has come and now we are in the Champions League semi-finals. We are up against Manchester United, the team that has played the best football in Europe this season. They are stronger than the others now, but football is full of surprises. We all know that. I understand Manchester United are seen as favourites by public and media, but it doesn't change anything for us players. We are humble enough to admit they've had a much better season, but I don't believe Barcelona are an inferior team considering the quality of our players. Our motivation is different in the Champions League. I truly think we can beat them and make it to the final.

Porto joy
I remember the game I played with Porto at Old Trafford in 2004 quite well. It was the second leg of the first knockout round. We had won the first game 2-1. Manchester United were leading 1-0, but Costinha got the equaliser in the very last minute. It was an emotional night for everybody. I thought it was a fair result, because we played much better than them. It was one of those unforgettable nights for a footballer. I hope I can repeat it with Barcelona. We have to think about carving out a good result at home. I've been training well. I hope I will be completely recovered for the first leg. This is a tricky injury, as I said before, and it is important to take it step by step.

It's been a very frustrating season for me so far. I was playing well, but having several injuries in a row means I haven't been able to play, get into a rhythm and help my team-mates. I can't think of another season when I've had so many problems. I hope, at least, to finish well and play most of the games that are left. These are defining moments. People ask me what it's like in the dressing room before the games. There is anxiety in the air. That is completely normal. Most of the players keep quiet, trying to focus in many different ways. Each one has his own routine. I like to listen to music during the minutes before the game; I don't feel very chatty.

Ronaldo threat
Everybody needs to be very, very concentrated before the game against Manchester United, because their team is full of top-class players. Obviously the most famous is Cristiano Ronaldo, my team-mate in the Portuguese national team. He is a great guy and has been playing the best football this season. He is one of those players who demands defenders' respect. Cristiano Ronaldo is quite difficult to mark, but we can't get obsessed by him. Otherwise someone else is going to complicate our lives. It is important to be alert and watch out for Manchester United as a whole, as a team.

Deco was talking to Julio Gomes Filho.