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Cambiasso blow for Inter

Having already lost Patrick Vieira, FC Internazionale Milano are now set to miss Esteban Cambiasso in the return leg at Valencia CF also due to a thigh injury.

FC Internazionale Milano midfielder Esteban Cambiasso is set to miss the second leg of their UEFA Champions League Round of 16 tie with Valencia CF with a thigh injury picked up in the 2-2 home draw with the Spanish side on Wednesday.

Midfield concerns
Cambiasso scored in that match but was forced off in the first half, and test have confirmed a strain and a likely absence of three or four weeks, having already spent time sidelined earlier this season with another thigh injury. It is a second blow to Inter coach Roberto Mancini, who lost Patrick Vieira to a similar injury in training before the Valencia match, and he too is set to miss the trip to Spain on 6 March.

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