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Panathinaikos sign South African

Nassif Morris has joined Panathinaikos FC on a two-year contract from Aris Thessaloniki FC.

'Impressive stuff'
Morris has agreed a two-year deal with the option of a two-year extension, after his contract with the Thessaloniki club was cancelled because of unpaid wages. "I am happy to have the chance to play for Panathinaikos," said the 22-year-old. "During the two years I have been in Greece, I have watched Panathinaikos, particularly in Europe, and I have been impressed."

Summer signings
The former Santos Cape Town player becomes Panathinaikos coach Itzhak Shum's fifth summer buy after Silvio Maric, Raimondas Zutautas, Joel Epalle and Dimitris Papadopoulos.

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