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Gaspart goes early

Joan Gaspart has left his role as FC Barcelona president weeks earlier than expected.

Joan Gaspart has left his role as FC Barcelona president weeks earlier than expected.

Early departure
Gaspart handed in his resignation today at an extraordinary meeting of the club's directors. He had said last Friday that he would stand down on 1 March at a scheduled general assembly of club members.

'Better now'
Gaspart, who had been president for two-and-a-half years, explained: "I would have liked to stay until the end of my period in charge but I understand in the circumstances that it is better to leave now rather than later."

More resignations
Vice-president Enric Reyner, described by Gaspart as "a great person and a great Barcelona fan," will take charge on an interim basis, although he too is expected to resign along with other club directors next month. Elections to find a replacement for Gaspart are likely to happen in June or July.

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