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Association Club coefficient • Season 2023/24

Bologna from Italy and Dortmund from Germany have both earned league phase places for next season via the new European Performance Spots.

The European Performance Spots go to the associations with the best collective performance by their clubs in the previous season's UEFA men's club competitions (i.e. the association club coefficient of the previous season, which is based on the total number of club coefficient points obtained by each club from an association, divided by the number of clubs from that association, in accordance with Annex D of the competition regulations).

Those two associations each earn one automatic place in the league phase ('European Performance Spot') for the club ranked next-best in their domestic league behind those clubs that have already qualified directly for the league phase.

Italy and Germany finished in the top two of the 2023/24 association club coefficients and each earned a European Performance Spot.

Evolution of the European Cup