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UEFA’s sporting commitment to home base Nyon

The close relationship between UEFA and its home town of Nyon in western Switzerland is underpinned by grassroots support given to the local sports community through the Foundation for the Development of Sport in Nyon.

Colovray stadium in Nyon
Colovray stadium in Nyon Sportsfile

The foundation, entirely financed by UEFA, has awarded grants for 2021 totalling 166,500 Swiss francs (CHF) to 11 Nyon-based sports clubs/associations and individuals to help them achieve important objectives and realise sporting dreams.

UEFA and Nyon

Nyon, which has a population of 22,000, is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, 25 kilometres from Geneva. The town has a thriving local community of 74 sports associations with 7,600 members, including 3,600 young people under the age of 20.

UEFA's House of European Football
UEFA's House of European FootballUEFA.com

UEFA moved to Nyon from the Swiss federal capital of Berne in 1995, spending four years at temporary offices while its new headquarters, the House of European Football, was built on the outskirts of the town. The new premises were inaugurated in October 1999.

Since then, UEFA has developed an impressive football campus comprising three buildings and employing some 800 people working in the service of European football.

Foundation for the Development of Sport in Nyon

The Foundation for the Development of Sport in Nyon was founded in 2000. It was created in recognition of the town’s contribution in helping UEFA settle smoothly in the area.

Nyon lies on the shores of Lake Geneva in western Switzerland
Nyon lies on the shores of Lake Geneva in western SwitzerlandADN Photos Michel Perret Nyon Suisse

Financial support provided by the foundation aims to encourage local people, especially youngsters, to practise a sport.

It also seeks to improve and develop the town’s sporting facilities and infrastructures, provide specialist equipment for Nyon’s sports associations, and give individual help to elite athletes living in the town.

A board is responsible for the foundation's management, comprising the mayor of Nyon as well as a Nyon municipal official and a representative of UEFA.

“The Foundation for the Development of Sport in Nyon has played a crucial role in UEFA’s fruitful partnership with its home town,” says UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin .

“We are delighted that so many clubs, associations and individuals in Nyon fulfil cherished sporting goals and dreams as a result of this initiative.

Through the foundation, UEFA has been able to give something back to Nyon in return for the assistance and support that the town has provided to our organisation over the years. It is entirely fitting that sport has enabled us to show our thanks."

2021 grants

Daniel Rossellat, Mayor of Nyon
Daniel Rossellat, Mayor of NyonSigfredo Haro

Since 2002, the foundation has allocated grants totalling 1,532,774 Swiss francs to 114 applicants.

The foundation’s grant allocation this year is particularly impressive. “Nyon is very fortunate to be given the support of the foundation created by UEFA for the development of sport,” says Nyon’s mayor, Daniel Rossellat. “This year, the foundation has shown particular generosity in supporting 11 quality projects that will contribute to sporting life in Nyon.”

The recipients of the 2021 grants:

Nyon Basketball Club (basketball, CHF 20,000)

COVA (West Vaud Atletics Centre), Mathilde Rey (international athlete, CHF 10'000)

Nyon Tennis Club (CHF 25,000)

Nyon Ski Club (CHF 3,500)

Grant recipients with Nyon and UEFA representatives at this week's awards ceremony
Grant recipients with Nyon and UEFA representatives at this week's awards ceremonyADN Photos Michel Perret Nyon Suisse

Association Capoeira de La Côte (Capoeira – a Brazilian martial art combining dance, acrobatics and music, CHF 3,000)

Nyon Judo Team (CHF 20,000).

Association Village du Lac (Lake Geneva sports activities, CHF 25,000).

Patinoire.ch (Nyon ice-skating rink, CHF 30,000)

Nyon Twirling Club (CHF 10,000)

Association Team Masters Nyon (martial arts, CHF 5,000)

Nyon Basket Féminin (women’s basketball, CHF 15,000)

Colovray sports complex

Nyon boasts excellent sporting installations at the Colovray sports centre opposite UEFA’s House of European football.

Colovray stadium hosts the UEFA Youth League finals
Colovray stadium hosts the UEFA Youth League finalsGetty Images

In 2010, under an agreement with the Nyon municipal authorities, UEFA took over the management of the impressive complex, which includes a 4,000-capacity main football stadium, several other grass and artificial turf pitches, track and field facilities, fitness training facilities and a restaurant.

The football stadium – home to Swiss third-tier club FC Stade Nyonnais – hosts the UEFA Youth League finals every year, and has also staged European national team youth competition tournaments and finals. Top club and national teams have made full use of Colovray’s facilities for pre-season training and tournament preparation.

UEFA has used Colovray for various development activities, including the Centre of Refereeing Excellence (CORE) for training promising young European referees, and the UEFA Pro licence student exchange course for bringing together student coaches to learn best practices.