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Sigurgeirsdóttir elected in Iceland

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Former Iceland player and manager Vanda Sigurgeirsdóttir becomes first woman elected as president of the Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ).


Vanda Sigurgeirsdóttir was elected as president of the Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ) at its extraordinary congress on Saturday. She will be the first woman in its history to serve as president of the FA.

A former Iceland international, who played 37 times for her country, she also managed the women's national team from 1997-1998.

"I have deep feelings for the football movement and have been a part of it all my life. I feel that my knowledge and experience can be used on these crossroads we are at," said Sigurgeirsdóttir.

The election marks a big moment in Icelandic football as Sigurgeirsdóttir will be the first woman in its history to serve as president of the FA.

"Usually, the most qualified person is elected, but sometimes there are glass ceilings. Throughout time I've witnessed instances where women can’t climb higher even though we are qualified,” added Sigurgeirsdóttir. "I feel it's time a woman becomes president."