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Stankov ready for final step

Group A reaction: After leading hosts South-East Region AMA of Bulgaria to the final last night coach Angel Stankov was already looking ahead to Tuesday.

Harry McConkey, Eastern Region coach
The Bulgarians probably had the better chances today but we got stronger and stronger throughout the game. I am so proud of my men. They gave everything today and fought to the very last whistle. I have told them they can be very happy with what they have achieved. We are a small country and we have lost once in nine games in European competition - that is some record.

Angel Stankov, South-East Region coach
We are delighted to be in the final. That was our aim and it is great to achieve this in front of our own fans. We have got better throughout the tournament and the Northern Irish side really gave it everything in the second half. Now I think we can go on and win the tournament, although we already know the Polish are a strong outfit and really dominated their group. They are also a big side so it will be a good contrast in styles. My players are tired and need to recover but we believe we can win it.

Fuad Grbešić, Tuzla coach
I also think that our team and Basse-Normadie were the two best teams in Group A. Today we did not play very well and we were exhausted. We had some two or three chances in the first half and it could have been a different story if we had converted them. We played our best football in the opening game against the Bulgarians that we drew 1-1 and this was our worst performance. [The injured Mersudin Ahmetović] is one of our best players. Without him we lose 50 per cent of our potential. But such things happen in football. I can only congratulate our players for their performance throughout the whole tournament.

Patrick Gonfalone, Basse-Normandie coach
I think we played very well today. We showed our best and we deserved the win. Tuzla Canton are a very strong team and they have some quality players. We played some good attacking football and I am happy with our performance. I congratulate my players and the Bosnia-Herzegovnian team. Bosnia-Herzegovina always has some great players and I respect them very much. I think Tuzla were a little bit tired and did not show the quality of their first two games. I think our team and Tuzla Canton were the two best teams in the group, but sometimes such things happen and none of the sides goes through.