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Storm favours District Noord

A thunderstorm helped District Noord Amateur earn a 1-0 win against Ligue du Maine Amateur.

Major storm
The heavens opened early in the second half at the Zeppelin stadion in Friedrichshafen with the UEFA Regions' Cup finalists trailing 1-0 to their young Dutch opponents.

Match abandoned
The referee was forced to clear the pitch after 50 minutes when heavy rain and hail made the playing conditions impossible for both sides, and despite an attempt to restart the match seven minutes later, the game remained on hold.

Weather reports
After weather reports from Friedrichshafen airport indicated that the storm would not clear for another two hours and with light fading at the stadium, the decision was taken to abandon the match.

Fringe players
The first half had been uneventful as both sides took the opportunity to give their fringe players a game. Ligue du Maine were keen to rest players ahead of Saturday's final against Piemonte Valle d'Aosta Amateur.

Kasto scores
However, District Noord surprised their opponents by taking the lead just two minutes into the second half as Jermaine Kasto rose highest to head past the French goalkeeper from a corner.

UEFA decision
That proved to be the winning goal as UEFA awarded the match to District Noord. The match cannot be replayed tomorrow because the Dutch team are returning home while, with the final on Saturday, the French cannot be asked to play three games on consecutive days.

Logie satisfied
"It is better for the match to have been stopped although we know we wouldn't have lost the game if it had gone on for the full 90 minutes," said Ligue du Maine coach René Logie. "Too bad we will not face the German side in the final."

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