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Malta turn to Heese and Busuttil

Horst Heese is the new coach of Malta with former international Carmel Busuttil as his assistant.

Primed for job
Former Maltese international Carmel Busuttil will assist Heese in the forthcoming 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifying campaign. Busuttil will then take sole charge of the national team in two years.

Work to do
Heese will retain his position as technical director of the Malta Football Association. The German believed the country's technical centre needed another two years to develop and realise its full potential.

Dream a reality
Busuttil spoke to uefa.com about his delight at taking over. "I am very pleased to be appointed as assistant coach to Horst Heese. Moreover, when the time comes to take up full responsibility of the team, I will then have fulfilled a longstanding dream - that of managing my national team. I believe Malta can achieve good results in the future."

Ultimate goal
Heese has similar aims. "Our ultimate goal is to have a Maltese in charge of the national team," he told uefa.com. "We have to help Busuttil become a good coach."

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