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Malta FA launches first strategy

The Malta Football Association has launched its first strategy, which will serve as the basis for the association’s commitment to raise the game across all levels.


The strategic plan, covering the period from 2020 to 2024, sets out eight goals associated with four areas of key importance:

• further technical and infrastructural development;

• growth and sustainability of football clubs, strengthening protection through a legal framework;

• broadening the exposure and commercial value of the association and the domestic competitions;

• improving good governance by strengthening the compliance and integrity aspects.

The strategic plan follows ratification by the association’s executive committee of the Vision 2027 document presented by the Malta FA president, Bjorn Vassallo, in 2019. The process is also part of UEFA’s Football Federations of the Future strategic framework under the guidance provided by the UEFA Grow programme.

“The vision of the Malta FA is to further strengthen its investment to build a stronger foundation, prioritising long-term development and the sustainability of Maltese football across all levels, from community, grassroots, amateur, women’s and youth football all the way to the elite, clubs and national teams,” Bjorn Vassallo said.

Comprehensive plan

“The actions and projects we are proposing in this comprehensive strategic plan are ambitious but realistic and achievable, guided by our conviction that we can perform better as a footballing nation.”

The pillars complement the association’s mission statement, which is “to continue growing and improving the game of football and the people in it at all levels; fostering a positive social change to embrace a sporting culture; championing national pride and unity as we strive to achieve high standards and inspire people.”

Work on the delivery of the strategy is in full swing with a host of projects already launched. The Malta FA executive committee has approved the constitution of the Inħobb il-Futbol Foundation – one of the pillars of the new strategy. The implementation of a new performance strategy for youth development is at the heart of the foundation’s mission. It is based on the principles of greater accessibility and increased participation in football, the pathway from grassroots to elite level, child protection and player welfare.

The strategy is the culmination of a wide consultation process with internal and external stakeholders, from which the Malta FA sought to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing Maltese football and chart the way forward by establishing clear targets.

This article originally appeared in UEFA Direct 194