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Candidates for the FIFA Council election at the 49th Ordinary UEFA Congress

Media Releases

Election will take place on 3 April 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia.

The House of European Football  in Nyon, Switzerland.
The House of European Football in Nyon, Switzerland. UEFA via Getty Images

The UEFA Executive Committee and all UEFA member associations have been informed of the list of candidates standing for election at the 49th Ordinary UEFA Congress on 3 April 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia.

By the set deadline of Friday 3 January 2025, the UEFA administration received the following candidatures for the positions of European members of the FIFA Council:

Candidate for one female member position on the FIFA Council (for a four-year term):

• Van Damme Pascale, Belgium

Candidates for four member positions on the FIFA Council (for a four-year term, in alphabetical order):

• Burleanu Răzvan*, Romania

• Koumas Georgios*, Cyprus

• Neuendorf Bernd*, Germany

• Savićević Dejan*, Montenegro

* standing for re-election

The requisite eligibility check for the FIFA Council candidates will be carried out by the FIFA Review Committee and will be communicated in due course.

Note to media

The deadline for the submission of candidatures for seats on the UEFA Executive Committee (eight members, of which at least one female member, to be elected for a four-year term, and two members to be elected for a two-year term at the UEFA Congress in Belgrade) is Monday 3 February 2025.