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Purchase process


Choose your packages

To see the different options available, visit the Venue Series section.

Pay your packages

By Visa credit-card: Visa, the Official Payment Partner of UEFA Women's Football, is the preferred payment method. First a reservation is made on your Visa credit-card. Once your request to purchase is accepted, the payment is executed on your Visa credit-card.

By credit-card: payment occurs online using 3D-Secure. First a reservation is made on your credit card. Once your request to purchase is accepted, the payment is executed on your credit-card.

By bank transfer: we will provide you with our bank account details once we accept your request to purchase.

Receive confirmation from Women's EURO 2025 SA

We will review your request to purchase and will send you a confirmation by email usually within two business days.

Close to the week of the match

Receive your packages in the UEFA Mobile Tickets app

More info regarding the UEFA Mobile Tickets app is available here.

Ahead of the match

Distribute the packages to your guests

You will be able to distribute the packages to your guests from the UEFA Mobile Tickets app.

July 2025

Attend the UEFA Women's EURO 2025