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UEFA and Turkish Football Federation presidents look to the future

About UEFA Members

The UEFA and Turkish Football Federation (TFF) presidents met at UEFA HQ this week to discuss several key matters.

UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin meets TFF president Ethem Hacıosmanoğlu at  UEFA HQ
UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin meets TFF president Ethem Hacıosmanoğlu at UEFA HQ

İbrahim Ethem Hacıosmanoğlu, the new TFF President, was welcomed in Nyon on Tuesday by UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin.

At the meeting, the two discussed the latest status of the preparations for UEFA EURO 2032, which will be hosted by Türkiye in partnership with Italy, and the 2026 UEFA Europa League 2027 and UEFA Conference League finals, which will also be played in Türkiye.

Both presidents also exchanged ideas on future projects which could be implemented between the TFF and UEFA.