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CEDB decisions affecting the attendance of supporters at UEFA matches


EQ: Croatia vs Türkiye, Serbia vs Montenegro

The UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has taken the following decisions affecting the attendance of supporters at UEFA matches:

Match:Croatia - Türkiye, 13 October 2023 (European Championship 2024 Qualifying match)

• To order the enforcement of the suspended disciplinary measure imposed by the UEFA Appeals Body in its decision of 2 October 2023 (i.e. to order the partial closure of the Croatian Football Federation stadium, which shall consist of at least 1,000 seats, during the next (1) UEFA competition match it plays as host association, for the discriminatory behaviour of its supporters), in accordance with Article 26(3) of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations.

• To fine the Croatian Football Federation €30,000 and to order the partial closure of the Croatian Football Federation’s stadium, which shall consist of at least 5,000 additional seats, also to be served during the next (1) UEFA competition match it plays as host association, for the racist behaviour of its supporters.

• The Croatian Football Federation is ordered to communicate to UEFA prior to the match the sector(s) to be closed, which shall at least comprehend 6,000 seats (i.e. 1,000 plus 5,000 seats, cf. paragraphs 1 and 2).

• To fine the Croatian Football Federation €1,000 for lighting of fireworks.


Match:Serbia - Montenegro, 17 October 2023 (European Championship 2024 Qualifying match)


• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €50,000 and to order the closure of the Football Association of Serbia’s stadium during the next (1) UEFA competition match in which the Football Association of Serbia will play as host association, for the racist behaviour of its supporters.

• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €10,000 for its failure to control ticket sales, for its failure to take action against black-market ticket sellers as well as for its security personnel failing to operate checks at the entry and exit doors or gates.

• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €6,500 for throwing of fireworks.

• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €750 for lighting of fireworks.

• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €8,000 for blocking of public passageways.

• To fine the Football Association of Serbia €14,000 for the use of laser pointers.


• To fine the Football Association of Montenegro €15,000 and to ban the Football Association of Montenegro from selling tickets to its away supporters for the next (1) UEFA competition match, for the racist behaviour of its supporters.

• To fine the Football Association of Montenegro €5,000 for acts of damage and throwing of objects.

• The Football Association of Montenegro is ordered to contact the Football Association of Serbia within 30 days for the settlement of the damages caused by its supporters, i.e. for the 205 seats that have been broken.