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Belgium: stamping out racism takes priority


Through its action plan Come Together, the Royal Belgian Football Association puts a lot of work into combatting racism.


Its objective is to make football pitches a place where people can truly come together, and where the golden rule is respect.

Come Together is also a hard-hitting publicity campaign that presents insults as face tattoos: a powerful image of the indelible suffering experienced by people who are discriminated against.

Online reporting tool

In addition to its awareness-raising and educational work, the Belgian FA has developed an online reporting tool to enable victims or witnesses of racist acts to report them in complete confidence. An investigation is then conducted, and action taken if necessary. Last year, 139 rulings were issued, with sanctions ranging from fines and suspensions to matches being played behind closed doors.

Samia Ahrouch, head of inclusion at the Belgian FA, said: “Unfortunately, discrimination is still a reality that we face every week on and around football pitches. Only the systematic reporting of every incident, mass condemnation and targeted action will enable us to put an end to discrimination in Belgian football.”

This article oringinally appeared in UEFA Direct 202